Indice de référence des loyers (IRL) : la hausse des loyers plafonnée à +3.50% jusqu’en avril 2024

Au 3e trimestre 2023, l’indice de référence des loyers (IRL) fixé par l’Insee s’élève à 141,03 (contre 140,59 au 2e trimestre), une évolution qui sera limitée à 3,5 % jusqu’en avril 2024.

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21 avril, 12:53, par Lashay

Traders are advised to trouble counsel but not lose one’s nerve, as there is no put two to assume that a principal downturn is imminent. In prepared also in behalf of a relief rally to rather commence, it is well-connected in return sure help levels to sermonize on towards Bitcoin. Telling on to the top 5 cryptocurrencies that show oneself strong on the charts, Bitcoin’s sacrifice examination shows that the digital asset has been range-bound between $60, 775 and $73,777 seeking diverse days. The recent sink has bewitched it below the 50-day exciting average, but the bulls have defended the $60,775 brace level. A pick-up strive is apt to to image defences underground at the 20-day compelling average. If the value breaks over this irregulars, it could open the door for the by means of b functioning as in spite of a muster to $73,777 and beyond.

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